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Melvin Ejim anota bajo canasta
93 | 69
Liga Endesa - Week 34. Sunday, May 12th 2024 a las 18:30
Palacio Municipal de los Deportes José María Martín Carpena

Leaders and record of victories in the regular phase of the Liga Endesa (93-69)

Unicaja achieved a comprehensive victory at home to close the regular phase against Zunder Palencia (93-69). The team opened the gap in the second quarter to impose their rhythm and achieve the 28th win in the regular league, a Club record in the Liga Endesa. Furthermore, with this victory the team finish leaders for the second time in their history of the regular league, something they only achieved in the 2005-06 season. Now, the team will face BAXI Manresa in the quarterfinals of the Playoff.