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Total team record
Team record this season
Total team record at home or away
Team record this season at home or away
Minutes 0:00
Points 0
Free throws mades 0
Free throws attempts 0
Tiros libres sin fallo 0
Two points mades 0
Two points attempts 0
Tiros de 2 sin fallo 0
Three points mades 0
Three points attempts 0
Tiros de 3 sin fallo 0
Deffensive rebounds 0
Offensive rebounds 0
Total rebounds 0
Assits 0
Blocks 0
Blocks receiveds 0
Steals 0
Turnovers 0
Personal fouls 0
Fouls receiveds 0
Dunks 0
Fast attacks 0
+/- 0
Index 0
Minutes 21:02 Tyson Carter 13/09/2024
Points 17 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024
Free throws mades 3 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024
Free throws attempts 3 Yankuba Sima 13/09/2024
Tiros libres sin fallo 3 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024
Two points mades 4 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024
Two points attempts 6 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024
Tiros de 2 sin fallo 1 Alberto Díaz 13/09/2024
Three points mades 3 Jonathan Barreiro 13/09/2024
Three points attempts 7 Tyler Kalinoski 13/09/2024
Tiros de 3 sin fallo 1 Alberto Díaz 13/09/2024
Deffensive rebounds 6 Kameron Taylor 13/09/2024
Offensive rebounds 3 Tyler Kalinoski 13/09/2024
Total rebounds 7 Tyson Pérez 13/09/2024
Assits 6 Alberto Díaz 13/09/2024
Blocks 1 Killian Tillie 13/09/2024
Blocks receiveds 1 Nihad Djedovic 13/09/2024
Steals 2 Tyler Kalinoski 13/09/2024
Turnovers 5 Alberto Díaz 13/09/2024
Personal fouls 3 Killian Tillie 13/09/2024
Fouls receiveds 4 Olek Balcerowski 13/09/2024
Dunks 0
Fast attacks 0
+/- 21 Alberto Díaz 13/09/2024
Index 20 Kendrick Perry 13/09/2024